Black Sabbath Rapidshare Discography Spine

Black Sabbath Rapidshare Discography Spine 5,0/5 6894 votes

Ranking: Every Black Sabbath Album from Worst to Best A journey through the legendary heavy metal outfit's tumultuous discography. Black Sabbath’s 19th studio album, 13, which features all of the original members but Ward, was released in June 2013. Black Sabbath are often cited as pioneers of heavy metal music. The band helped define the genre with releases such as Black Sabbath (1970), Paranoid (1970) and Master of Reality (1971). BLACK MASTERMIND 5. ZODIAC LUNG 6. SPINE OF GOD 7. Code: Black Sabbath Discography.

Monster Magnets - Creature Magnet EP (1990) 1. SNAKE DANCE 2. FREAK SHOP Us 5.

LIZARD JOHNNY 6. Killing @256kbps Code: Monster Magnet - Spine Of Lord (1991) 1.


SNAKE Dancing 8. SIN'Beds A GOOD Guy'S Sibling 9.

OZIUM @320kbps Code: Beast Magnets - Tabs (1992) 1. God 13 @320kbps Code: Beast Magnet - Superjudge (1993) img/img 1. CYCLOPS Trend 2. Double Globe 3. SUPERJUDGE 4. Parrot cage AROUND THE Sunlight 5. ELEPHANT BELL 6.

DINOSAUR VACUME 7. EVIL (Is going on) 8. Encounter Straight down 10. BRAINSTORM 11. BLACK BALLOON @320kbps Program code: Monster Magnets - Negasonic Teenage Warhead Individual (1995) 1. NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD 2. Over shadow THIS 3.

THIRD ALTERNATIVE 4. LOOK TO YOUR 0RB FOR THE Caution @320kbps Code: Creature Magnet - Dopes To lnfinity (1995) img/img 1. DOPES TO INFINITY 2. NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD 3. LOOK TO YOUR 0RB FOR THE Caution 4. ALL Buddies AND KINGDOM COME 5.

Vanity, THE Lifestyle PLANET 6. Hit 'EM OFF 7. 3 rd Choice 8. I CONTROL, I FLY 9. Ruler OF MARS 10. Deceased Xmas 11. THEME FROM 'MASTERBURNER' 12.

VERTIGO @320kbps Program code: Beast Magnet - Powertrip (1998) 1. Plant CIRCLE 2. Area Master 4. TEMPLE OF YOUR Desires 5. BABY GTTERDMERUNG 7. 19 WITCHES 8. 3RM Vision LANDSLIDE 9.

Notice YOU lN HELL 10. ATOMIC CLOCK 12. GOLIATH AND THE VAMPIRES 13. YOUR LIES Turn out to be YOU @320kbps Program code: Beast Magnet - Lord States No (2000) 1. Brain EXPLODE 3. GOD SAYS Simply no 5. KISS OF THE SC0RPION 6.


California king OF YOU 10. DOWN IN THE Bush 11.

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Metallic Potential future - bonus @320kbps Code: Monster Magnet - Monolithic Child! censored MACHINE 2. SUPERCRUEL 3. ON THE Brink 4. UNBROKEN (Resort BABY) 5.

Rays DAY 6. MONOLITHIC 7. THE Best STUFF 8. THERE'S i9000 NO Method Out there OF Right here 9. Professional OF Lighting 10. ULTIMATE EVERYTHING 12. CNN Battle Style @256kbps Code: Monster Magnets - 4-Way Diablo (2007) 1 4-Method Diablo 2 Walls of Fire 3 You're also Alive 4 Setback Your Mind 5 Cyclone - 5:32 6 2000 Light Decades from House (Mick Jagger, Kéith Richards) 7 No Vacation 8 I'meters Calling You 9 Solid Money 10 Freeze and Pixillate 11 A Thousand Stars 12 Slap in the Encounter 13 Little Handbag of Gloom 14 Tomorrow's Sun Vinyl Exclusive Bonustrack @320kbps Code: http://rapidshare.cóm/files/358932559/4-WayDiablo.rar.

Dark Sabbath offering Tony Iommi: reads the spine of this unlucky LP that was intended to end up being a Tony Iommi single album. It features none of them of initial Sabbath selection except Iommi; nevertheless pressure from the record label forced his hands. You can inform it's not a Sabbath cd when you pay attention to it; even more vanilla difficult rock than weighty metal. Selecting over Deep Pink's leftovers: New vocalist Glenn Hughes - furthermore a former Deep Violet singer and bassist - changed Gillan, who produced a quick departure after Born Again. Typical track duration: 3:55 Best riff: “Danger Zone” Cover art deductions: It looks like an Iommi single album, too.